The Directory of UK Brewers

Future Breweries

This is a list of organisations that we believe to be planning to start brewing. If you have any additional information on any of these breweries or know of one that is not listed please contact us.

BreweryLatest infoDate of latest info
Bishy Brewhouse, BishopthorpeLooking to open in late 2021.8th July 2021
CHI Brewery, HambrookAiming for an Autumn 2021 start.23rd September 2021
Deirge Brewery, CastledergAiming to start in Spring 2023.7th February 2023
Glenwinny Limited, LisbellawLooking to open in the second half of 2022.5th August 2022
Lucky Brew & Tap Ltd, JesmondPlanning permission applied for.23rd July 2024
Margate Brewing Co, MargateMuch delayed by planning issues, this brewery was initially planned to open in 2015 but is still struggling to open.18th February 2021
Puffin Island Brewery, PenmaenmawrLaunching in 2021.6th March 2021
Tucks Brewery Ltd, ThoresbyA late Summer 2022 opener.16th August 2022
The Yaptown Brewery Limited, YaptonLooking to start in Summer 2023.5th January 2023

Last Updated : 23rd July 2024